Age: 20
Height: 5’3”
Nationality: American
Former Profession: Dancer
Personality: A survivor, Dakota takes care of herself first, and then anyone else that she comes across. She’s strong, has to be in order to survive in the world as it is. She’s not afraid to stand up for herself and doesn’t let anyone push her around simply because she is female. She’s not afraid to get into a fight, even if there’s a chance she will lose, and has a stubborn streak a mile long. It’s sometimes hard to get her to open up to new people as she’s only been able to depend on herself thus far, not to mention that she's internally afraid that she will lose more people. If one is able to get past the exterior, they find a warm and compassionate young woman who is protective of those she cares about.
Any special skills: Dakota is talented in both singing and dance, and may have had a career ahead of her if the world hadn’t gone to pot.