Age: 33
Height: 6'1"
Former Profession: Bouncer, Bodyguard, Thug/Strong Arm, Junkie, Convict
Any other languages/Accent: Rudimentary Spanish, Aussie accent when he’s mad or excited
Personality: Ed is an unapologetic asshole, although he does have some endearing qualities to those who call him a friend. He is always looking out strictly for himself, and is a kind of loner although he’s sociable on the shallow level. It doesn’t stop him from being a fun loving kind of guy, he likes attention in social settings.
He has a bit of a Robin Hood streak to him, and has no problem taking things from people who have plenty, to give to those less fortunate…. namely himself. Also a bit of a bogan and loves to drink, get into a row with locals or watch a game. He loves pushing people’s buttons to get a rise out of them.
He’s outgrown all the teen depression and angst of his childhood to grow into a ruthless, self centered bastard. Better you than him.
Any special skills: He’s a decent shot with a pistol, and really knows his way around a knife. Total douchebag, dirty ass, mean street fighter. Most likely to bite. He’s like a cockroach when it comes to survival.